17th and 18th centuries: Crisis, wars and privateering

Crisis, wars and privateering

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In the seventeenth century, Gipuzkoan iron ceased to be competitive and the agricultural model based on the spread of maize came to a halt due to insufficient land. Land ownership began to be concentrated in the hands of a few, while those who worked it (the tenants) were not owners. Moreover, this was a time of intermittent war throughout Europe, which punished trade and periodically devastated the border region.

This led to socio-economic tension which sporadically burst out in popular uprisings or matxinadas.

These circumstances turned the province of Gipuzkoa into a major privateering centre, sanctioned by the Crown, which shared in the profits.

2011 Department of Culture and Euskera - Deputation Foral of Gipuzkoa
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