10th century |
Construction of the chapel of Saint Helen of Irun, on a Roman necropolis. |
910 |
Foundation of the Benedictine order of Cluny, which and subsequently spread across the Western world, giving rise to Romanesque art. |
1025 |
First written mention of "Ipuscoa". The back of the Igartubeiti baserri contains remains of a late-mediaeval dwelling. |
997 |
Moorish leader Almanzor destroys Santiago de Compostela, although this does not hinder its growth as a world pilgrimage site. |
1140 |
Santiago pilgrim Aymerid Picaud describes the Atlantic Basque Country as wooded, mountainous, poor in bread and wine and wealthy in milk and apples. |
1095 |
First Crusade to recover Jerusalem. Beyond the battlefield, closer economic and cultural relations between East and West. |
1180 |
Sancho VI of Navarre founds San Sebastián. |
1163 |
Construction of Notre Dame in Paris: the century of Gothic cathedrals begins. |
1200 |
Alfonso VIII of Castile incorporates Gipuzkoa into his kingdom, separating the territory from Navarre. |
1206 |
Ghengis Khan creates the largest Empire in the world in terms of land and population, extending from Hungary to the China Sea. |
1248 |
Pelegrín de Uranzu, from Irun, the first Basque sailor whose full name is known, participates in the conquest of Seville up the river Guadalquivir. |
1262 |
First recorded use of gunpowder as a weapon in Europe, by the Moors in their defence of Niebla (Andalusia) against the Christians. |
1328 |
The Fuero de Ferrerías records the use of hydraulic power in the steelworks of Gipuzkoa. |
1295 |
Marco Polo returns from his trip to China. Among many other details, he makes the first European mention of Cipango (Japan). |
1310-1383 |
Last phase of the foundation of Gipuzkoa towns, at the initiative of the inhabitants against the abuses of the Banderizo nobility. |
1347-53 |
The black plague devastates Europe, killing at least one quarter of its population. |
1397 |
First Junta General of the Brotherhood of Towns of Gipuzkoa, in Getaria. |
1376 |
Catherine of Siena, first woman Doctor of the Church, manages to bring the Papal See back to Rome from Avignon, although she cannot prevent the Schism (up to three popes at once). |
1415 |
First book of Bylaws of the Juntas Generales of Gipuzkoa: in addition to fighting the Banderizos, the economy and society are set up around iron, trade and the sea. |
1405-33 |
The Chinese explore the Indian Ocean, reaching Africa, but they refuse to make contact with other civilisations and extend their wall. |
1451 |
French conquest of Bayonne, last redoubt of the Kingdom of England, and start of the rivalry between Castile and France, leading to centuries of fighting in Gipuzkoa. |
1453 |
Fall of Constantinople into Turkish hands. This marks the end of the Byzantine Empire or the Eastern Roman Empire. A reaction emerges inspired by classical art: the Renaissance. The period from 476 (fall of Rome) to 1453 is dubbed the "Middle Ages". |
1456 |
Defeat of the Parientes Mayores by the towns of Gipuzkoa. |
1456 |
First bible printed by Gutenberg. The printing press changes the concept of culture. |