Almost 200,000 years ago Human remains found in Lezetxiki, in the upper Deba valley. 1,200,000 years ago Hominids found in Atapuerca (Burgos province).
50,000 years ago First human settlements in Australia.
Around 30,000 years ago The first population groups reach the Americas and begin to spread across the continent.
Around 15,000 years ago Cave paintings and carvings: Praileaitz, Ekain and Altxerri among others are proof of so-called Franco-Cantabrian cave art, with such notable examples as Altamira, Lascaux, etc.
Around 10,000 years ago First domesticated plants and animals in China and to the south of the Caucasus. Ceramic work in Japan.
Around 6,000 years ago First dolmens in Gipuzkoa: records of wheat crops and animal domestication. Around 6,000 years ago First pyramids in Egypt and ziggurats in Mesopotamia.
Around 3,500 years ago Hittite civilisation in the Anatolian peninsula: ironworking.
First millennium B.C. Fortified Iron Age settlements in Gipuzkoa. 6th-5th century B.C. The teachings of Buddha extend north and south of the Himalaya.
12-06 B.C. As (coin) with the face of Augustus found in Oiasso. 27 B.C. Octavius Augustus is proclaimed first Roman emperor.
4th century A.D. Decline of Oiasso. 313 Christianity becomes the official religion of the Empire.
5th century First mentions of the dioceses of Calahorra, Pamplona and Bayonne; all three of which include territory that belongs to Gipuzkoa. 476 Fall of the Western Roman Empire.
5th-8th century Various Visigoth kings fight against Vasconia, which included modern-day Gipuzkoa. 711 Moorish troops invade the Iberian Peninsula.
874 Defeat of Charlemagne at Roncesvalles: birth of the kingdom of Pamplona, which includes modern-day Gipuzkoa. 9th century Maritime hegemony of the Vikings, from Iceland to the Mediterranean. They settle in Bayonne for almost a century.
2011 Department of Culture and Euskera - Deputation Foral of Gipuzkoa
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