The decorated bone found in Torre

The decorated bone found in Torre. Fundación Ekain

The decorated bones discovered at prehistoric archaeological sites of Gipuzkoa include the one found in the cave of Torre in Oiartzun. It is a gannet's ulna of which a fragment that is 18 cm long has been conserved. It has the following figures engraved on it: a crow, a horse, a Pyrenean mountain goat, two mountain goats, an aurochs and an anthropomorphic figure. There are also lines, zigzags and dots that run along the bone from one end to the other. The animal figures are particularly realistic. It is an extraordinary masterpiece of European Palaeolithic portable art and dates back 12,000 years (Upper-End Magdalenian).

2011 Department of Culture and Euskera - Deputation Foral of Gipuzkoa
BY-NC-SA 2.5
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