The arrival of the Nao Victoria

The arrival of the Nao Victoria

Every four years in Getaria, the hometown of Juan Sebastian Elcano, the first voyage around the world is commemorated with a representation of the disembarkation of the expedition captained by Elcano. The expedition set off from San Lucar de Barrameda on 20 September 1519. it was made up of 5 ships and commanded by Hernando de Magallanes. After Magallanes was killed in a battle with the natives, Elcano assumed command. Only 18 of the 234 sailors and only one ship, the Vitoria, returned. They disembarked in San Lucar de Barrameda on 6 September 1522. The representation has been celebrated for more than 50 years and involves the active participation of the entire population of Getaria. In the 2009 edition, which is the one shown in this video, to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the foundation of the town, the replica of the Vitoria took part in the disembarkation. Said replica is currently anchored in the port of Cadiz.

2011 Department of Culture and Euskera - Deputation Foral of Gipuzkoa
BY-NC-SA 2.5
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