Industry and infrastructure

The Arditurri mining district For the most recent generations in the region, Arditurri is known...
Menosca The classical authors – and specifically Pliny – wrote...
Oiasso The location of the Vascon civitas known in classical texts as Oiasso,...
San Sebastián, possible Roman fondaco The existence of the maritime coastal trade in Roman times along...
Fortified rural houses Between the 14th and 16th centuries the rural manor houses played...
Hondarribia’s defensive wall The city wall is a characteristic feature of the villas. It is at...
The Province’s roads In recent years studying the history of the roads of Gipuzkoa has...
The founding of San Sebastián Archaeological excavations in the Santa Teresa convent reveal Roman...
The Society of Jesus The Society of Jesus was founded by Ignacio de Loyola and fellow...
Building the Northern Railway Line Although there were precedents in the building of railways, the key...
The workers’ colony at the Fandería Iron Foundry At the beginning of 1774, initiated by its owner the Duke of Granada...
The dismantling of the walls and the first extension of Donostia Being a fortified military town severely limited the urban development...
Compiling of provincial laws, 1696 Compilation, confirmation and publication: these were the provincial...
The villas’ internal regime During the first centuries after they were founded, the institutional...
2011 Department of Culture and Euskera - Deputation Foral of Gipuzkoa
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